
Welcome to my EDCI learning portfolio!

Response to Marsha Chans Blog #2


Building on your reflection on the networked pedagogy and digital learning, you can seen that you have maximally leveraged the benefits of the schemes like Reddit & linked in to enhance your learning and knowledge in the subject of Child and Youth Care or CYC. The time spent on these platforms provides a great example of how networked pedagogy works and how diverse opinions and collaboration enhances your personal development as a professional. You’ve engaged yourselves in a highly constructivist approach to learning where their classroom involvement involves seeking advice, giving feedback and sharing resources. It enriches you but at the same time benefits your co professionals as it enables growth and sharing of knowledge within a given disciplinary setting.

That is why the idea of cognitivism you mentioned is also important. In CYC where thinking critically and reflection is key, the application of cognitivism to online learning environments is revolutionary. Not only knowledge is activated through various quizzes and notes but the individual is also forced to interactively think through about the things done in the classroom or elsewhere. Besides turning reflections in to classmates and instructors, learners augment their group knowledge The viewpoints contained in the shares build an intellectual environment. This process resembles the process of networked pedagogy characterized by interaction in students’ learning process improving the learning journey.

I also fully agree with your focus on the instructor’s function as a creator of a welcoming and encouraging learning community. Teaching online, it is especially important for instructors to be both available and adaptable, not only in terms of availability but also in terms of the demands of student differ on classes. Providing options for students that might not work well in group can be admired as one of the flexible approaches. The best thing that any online instructor could do is not only share information but also ensure that student’s gender is not an issue to stop them from participating in the course.

Response to Ling Fangs Blog #2

This blog post offers a deep reflection on pedagogy, particularly in the context of online learning. It effectively combines personal experiences with educational theories like networked pedagogy and constructivism, providing a thoughtful exploration of how these methods enhance learning. The writing demonstrates a solid understanding of teaching and learning practices, connecting personal learning preferences to broader educational frameworks.

One strength is that the discussion of networked pedagogy is clear and highlights how social interaction and peer collaboration can enrich learning, while the emphasis on constructivism shows a preference for active, discovery-based learning. Additionally, the post does well in recognizing the importance of feedback in creating a strong teaching presence, especially in online settings where traditional cues are absent.

Overall, the post is well-written, insightful, and relatable.

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based educational framework that aims to make learning accessible and effective for all students, regardless of their individual differences. Rooted in the belief that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to education, UDL provides a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. It encourages flexibility in teaching methods, materials, and assessments to accommodate a wide range of learners, including those with disabilities, learning challenges, or unique preferences. The core principles of UDL focus on providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action/expression to ensure that diverse learners are supported in the classroom.

Teachings in Education

Reflecting on UDL

In my view, UDL stands for Universal Design for Learning and its key principles are concerned with the aspects of diversity of learners. UDL encourages a shift from using teaching methods that narrow down students into groups where their results can all be grouped in the same category, to using instructional methods that enable the students to be learnt in different ways. Universal design for learning makes a learning-teaching process more comprehensive and friendly to students by offering various options of interacting with students, presenting knowledge, and evaluating outcomes.

This framework is particularly helpful for designing effective learning environment because it takes into account such diverse features as students’ abilities, background, learning styles etc. Instead of a One-Size-Fits-All approach of adapting instruction for students with disabilities only after a complaint was lodged, UDL offers solutions that assist all students right from the start. On this way, UDL is aimed at preventing the learning barriers and help every child to succeed in learning and unleash their potential.

Mechanisms Incorporated In My Own Learning To Ensure Accessibility

Through this lens, in my own learning or teaching experience I understood that accessibility is very important to offer equal chances of success to every learner. Of course, knowing that students can have various needs, teacher should ensure that those needs will be fulfilled in their class and it is my duty to do this. This include making materials available and receptive concerning the manner in which this material can be handled.

For instance, an adjustable e-book or captioned videos are helpful to a learner, which I am, and make a lot of difference in terms of how one apprehend the material being presented. It is great to have the flexibility of having the content readily available in more than one format as I learn better that way. It is my opinion that implementation of UDL and mindful of accessibility within and across learning spaces must ways contribute to a more effective learning experience for all students.

Consequently, Universal Design for Learning is a critical concept for the advancement of equality within the classroom. In thinking about UDL as a framework for classrooms, it becomes clear that this is useful for making teacher instruction more varied and accommodating to the specific needs of learners whether in the traditional physical classroom or through online platforms. The approaches being that for learners with special needs, as well as the use of modern tools in making content accessible, we can ensure that no learner is left behind, but each has a chance to excel.

Blog Post #2 – Pedagogy

Pedagogy is the practical practice of learning and knowledge, rooted in the analysis of how people learn and how this knowledge can be used to create purposeful and flexible learning processes. In addition to active learning, networked pedagogy strengthens student learning by connecting a number of nodes globally via the internet; my experience with online-based study groups has deepened my understanding and exposure to different methods of reciving information. One of the learning theories is constructivism which stresses more on the activities in the learning process. I think it works well in the online environment since students can work on the activities with feedback and reflection in real time. The presence of the instructor and the persona enacted in the online classroom must be managed in such a way that is conducive to acknowledging their essential functions of creating a learner-support community that benefits from the instructor’s characteristics, such as flexibility, understanding, and proactive communication skills. In my experience, it is still possible for an instructor to be responsive and give feedback in an asynchronous class. I think this course is an excellent example of this, as through the posted videos and material, our professor has made sure to let us know we are always welcome to reach out if we have any questions or concerns about assignments or readings. In particular, the digital environment can provide great versatility and company but, at the same time, educational difficulties, especially if online learners are not responsible for their time management. In order to contribute knowledge and ideas for the betterment of the collective, it is crucial to provide well-considered comments and frequently engage and self-engage in class activities groupwork or group discussions to help our understanding and contribution to the entire online community.

What is Pedagogy? | 4 Essential Learning Theories | Satchel

Peer Response #3 – Hanna Kim

This is my Peer Response to Hanna’s Introduction blog & first module post.

Hanna is in her second year of studying computer science. Something I found really cool is that she is involved with UVics’ Women in Engineering and Computer Science (WECS) organization. This group encouraged and influenced her decision to study Comp Sci. While computer science is something I definitely tend to avoid studying, I think it is so cool getting to take various elective courses where I ge to meet and interact with people who study vastly different fields. Hanna explains the subject of Open Learning, Distributed Learning, Modes of Learning, Digital Literacy, and Digital Identity. She did a great job of explaining a summarized version of what we learnt in Module #1 

Photo by Oscar Nord on Unsplash

Peer Response Post #2 – Larissa Baloran

This Peer Response is focused on Larissas first blog post, discussing the Exploration of Open and Distributed Learning as well as an introduction to herself to help readers get to know her.

Larissa is in her third year studying Biochemistry. Influences at school helped her see science in a creative light, which motivated her to want to learn more and develop a deeper understanding of the world around her. She mentions she has hopes to work in the medical feild in the future. I really respect students like Larissa; I know the STEM classes are a lot of work, and for her to take on that workload while also taking courses such as this EDCI leads me to believe she will be very good at whatever she ends up doing for work. I think taking lots of different classes from different areas of study creates more well-rounded people. Larissa discusses Open & Distributed learning but explains she prefers in-person courses. I think it is interesting to see students take courses in formats that they don’t necessarily like. I personally instead take asynchronous classes as it works better for my schedule. 

Photo by D koi on Unsplash

Peer Response Post #1 – Dana Baylock

For this Peer response Post I have reflected on Dana Baylocks “About Me” and “Blog Post 1”

Dana’s first blog post focuses both on what we learnt in the first module of this course as well as an introduction to her, allowing readers to get to know her better. Dana is a biology major and says her favourite course so far was her second-year ecology class. I think she did a great job of showing us her interests and passions through the background and featured pictures on her blog site. She includes photos of trees, flowers and wildlife. Dana gives the reader a great explanation and summary of topics we learnt about in the first module of this course, including Digital Literacy, Open Education and Digital Identity. 

Photo by David Vig on Unsplash

EDCI Blog Post #1 – Get to Know Me

Feature Photo by Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash and Photo by Wulan Sari on Unsplash

My name is Elizabeth Moore, but I go by Liz. I am in my third year at the University of Victoria. I am currently a Sociology major, but I hope to continue my studies after this degree at a school that offers a criminology program. I grew up in Alberta, but I have loved living out here on the island. Although I am not a remote student, I appreciate having various courses offered online. I work a few different jobs to help pay for school and housing, so at times, I have found it challenging to manage a regular school schedule and work. Having asynchronous classes such as this one allows me to complete the readings and activities on my own time and still work my scheduled shifts. Distributed Education is a term I hadn’t heard prior to the start of this course. But its goal of creating a more diverse and inclusive learning environment really resonates with me.

Photo by Wulan Sari on Unsplash

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options:

  1. Do you want to be online vs. offline?
  2. Do you want to use your name (or part thereof) vs. a pseudonym (e.g., West Coast Teacher)?
  3. Do you want to have your blog public vs. private? (Note, you can set individual blog posts private or password protected or have an entire blog set to private)
  4. Have you considered whether you are posting within or outside of Canada? This blog on opened.ca is hosted within Canada. That said, any public blog posts can have its content aggregated/curated onto social networks outside of Canada.

First tasks you might explore with your new blog:

  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing “EdTech” category or sub-categories, Free Inquiry and EdTech Inquiry). We have also pre-loaded the Teacher Education competencies as categories should you wish to use them to document your learning. If you would like to add more course categories, please do so (e.g., add EDCI 306A with no space for Music Ed, etc.)
  • See if your blog posts are appearing on the course website (you must have the course categories assigned to a post first and have provided your instructor with your blog URL)
  • Add pages
  • Embed images or set featured images and embed video in blog posts and pages (can be your own media or that found on the internet, but consider free or creative commons licensed works)
  • Under Appearance,
    • Select your preferred website theme and customize to your preferences (New title, etc.)
    • Customize menus & navigation
    • Use widgets to customize blog content and features
  • Delete this starter post (or switch it to draft status if you want to keep for reference)

Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to use the course topic as the category as opposed to the course number as those outside of your program would not be familiar with the number (e.g., we use “EdTech” instead of “edci336).

Lastly, as always, be aware of the FIPPA as it relates to privacy and share only those names/images that you have consent to use or are otherwise public figures. When in doubt, ask us.

Please also review the resources from our course website for getting started with blogging:

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