This Peer Response is focused on Larissas first blog post, discussing the Exploration of Open and Distributed Learning as well as an introduction to herself to help readers get to know her.

Larissa is in her third year studying Biochemistry. Influences at school helped her see science in a creative light, which motivated her to want to learn more and develop a deeper understanding of the world around her. She mentions she has hopes to work in the medical feild in the future. I really respect students like Larissa; I know the STEM classes are a lot of work, and for her to take on that workload while also taking courses such as this EDCI leads me to believe she will be very good at whatever she ends up doing for work. I think taking lots of different classes from different areas of study creates more well-rounded people. Larissa discusses Open & Distributed learning but explains she prefers in-person courses. I think it is interesting to see students take courses in formats that they don’t necessarily like. I personally instead take asynchronous classes as it works better for my schedule. 

Photo by D koi on Unsplash