Building on your reflection on the networked pedagogy and digital learning, you can seen that you have maximally leveraged the benefits of the schemes like Reddit & linked in to enhance your learning and knowledge in the subject of Child and Youth Care or CYC. The time spent on these platforms provides a great example of how networked pedagogy works and how diverse opinions and collaboration enhances your personal development as a professional. You’ve engaged yourselves in a highly constructivist approach to learning where their classroom involvement involves seeking advice, giving feedback and sharing resources. It enriches you but at the same time benefits your co professionals as it enables growth and sharing of knowledge within a given disciplinary setting.

That is why the idea of cognitivism you mentioned is also important. In CYC where thinking critically and reflection is key, the application of cognitivism to online learning environments is revolutionary. Not only knowledge is activated through various quizzes and notes but the individual is also forced to interactively think through about the things done in the classroom or elsewhere. Besides turning reflections in to classmates and instructors, learners augment their group knowledge The viewpoints contained in the shares build an intellectual environment. This process resembles the process of networked pedagogy characterized by interaction in students’ learning process improving the learning journey.

I also fully agree with your focus on the instructor’s function as a creator of a welcoming and encouraging learning community. Teaching online, it is especially important for instructors to be both available and adaptable, not only in terms of availability but also in terms of the demands of student differ on classes. Providing options for students that might not work well in group can be admired as one of the flexible approaches. The best thing that any online instructor could do is not only share information but also ensure that student’s gender is not an issue to stop them from participating in the course.